Thursday, January 24, 2013

Comparison Maps, Questions, and Headlines

Overlap Maps is a website by Sunflower Education that allows you to compare the sizes of nations, states, bodies of water, man made features and objects from nature. You simply select from two columns, click the green arrow, and presto, you get a picture with the two selections overlapped. Below you see an overlap I did between Texas and Germany. It is easy to to, it is fun, and it is educational for everyone.

101 questions is a website I found out about from Doug Brunner on Diigo Education. Go there and you will see a picture or video above the words "What's the first question that comes to your mind?." If you wish to respond you type your question in the box, if not click "skip it, I'm bored.". The site is simple but it could be a great way to challenge students to think.

Headslinger is a social media site that focuses on articles found on the web. After signing up (it's free) you begin by choosing a news site you like. You are shown the top headlines from that site for the day. If you like an article and wish to share it you simply click the "sling it" button. As you add favorite sites, suggested site appear on the left. You can choose up to 17 different categories to explore such as news, sports, humor, or entertainment to name a few. Headslinger is a great source to find and then share interesting stories with friends and family.

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