Sunday, March 9, 2014

50 websites that help make learning science fun

Without a doubt my most popular posts have consistently been science websites. Below, I have combined all the science websites that I have shared so far and have added nine new ones. Whether you have been following my blog, or if this is your first time, I promise you will find many great resources for your students.

Try Science
Try Science is a very cool site that offers many resources to get kids to love science. There are over 50 experiments that kids can perform either online or at home. The site offers virtual field trips to different locations around the world. There are science games and online adventures for kids to play. Everything the site offers is based in science and will help kids understand and appreciate science.


This fun website provides a fun way for kids to learn about the subatomic universe. The site comes with lesson plans for teachers but the kids will love all the online activities the site provides. Your students can learn about the science of the subatomic world by following the subatomic roadmap and then learn more form the site's scientific glossary. Your kids can demonstrate their learning from the site's many games and fun activities that help make the process more enjoyable.


Windows to the Universe
Your initial impression is that this is another astronomy website and you would be correct but when you look deeper you will find there is more here than meets the eye. Students can learn about the planets, the sun, stars, space weather, and other objects found in space but they can also learn basic information about other sciences as well. The site offers images, video, audio, and other multimedia related to space as well as online games and activities.  Information pertaining to biology, chemistry, geology and physics are also covered here though not as in depth as their astronomy content.


Strange Matter
This site is dedicated to helping students learn about material science but in a fun way. There are dozens of online activities that help students to learn about the properties and structure of different materials like aluminum and glass and why it is important to recycle. The site also has hands on experiments that can be done at home or in the classroom. There is also a 60 page downloadable guide to help assist with these experiments.


Amazing Space
This cool website allows students to explore the amazing world of outer space with a wide array of features. You can view incredible photographs from the Hubble telescope, learn about the different objects found in the universe and even participate in interactive games and activities designed to increase student interest. Be aware that many of the games and activities require, Java, Flash, or Shockwave plug ins so they may not work with some devices.


Space Weather
Students who visit this site can learn of the powerful forces that exist throughout our universe that often aren't' as widely discussed. Their educational sections are titled "Amazing Plasmas", "Living with a star", "Protective Shield", and "Storm Alert." Each section has informative articles and pictures to assist with the learning process and the site offers downloadable educators guides as a resource. The site also contains 10 games as well as other interactive learning opportunities.


Kids Astronomy 
This site is one of four science based site by the Kids Know it Company. Their Astronomy site provides information, animations, videos, activities and games that support the learning of outer space and help to make the process more fun. Kids can learn about the planets, constellations and other space based objects. Their site currently has seven games as well as a "build your own planet" activity. If you are interested in biology, dinosaurs, or geology you can find their links to their other science sites on the right hand side of their web page.


Understanding Science focuses on being a fun, accessible and free resource that accurately relates how science works. The site provides a wealth of resources which are categorized by age level but can be searched by content or resource type. There are videos, images, charts, experiments and other resources all focused on science. The site contains a nice collection of  graphic organizers and posters designed for science teachers as well as tips for teaching.


Science Clips
This BBC website provides students with the opportunity to conduct science activities online. It is targeted to students ages 5 to 11 and the site's activities are sorted by age group. Each age group is given 6 activities that they can perform with topics such as light and shadows, life cycles, using electricity, and forces in action. Each activity is accompanies by a quiz that checks the student's understanding.


Learn 4 Good
This site has a large collection of science based online games for students grades 3 through 12. The site's nearly 30 games consist of games based on physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, brain teasers and puzzles. If you are looking for a fun way for students to practice science concepts, you can never go wrong with these science based games.


Rader's Biology 4 Kids
This site is one of 5 websites by Andrew Rader Studios that focus on science. The site provides basic biology information about cells, microorganisms, plants, invertebrates and animals. The best feature found on this site is the collection of more than 25 online quizzes that students can take to test their general biology knowledge.

Rader's Cosmos 4 Kids
This site from Andrew Rader Studios focuses on the wonders of space. Here you will find basic information about planets, stars, galaxies, and other space related topics. This site has 4 online quizzes and as well as space related wallpapers and a slide show about Saturn's Moons.


Rader's Geography 4 Kids
This science site from Andrew Rader Studios is all about the Earth. If you are studying geology, the atmosphere, biosphere, or climate then be sure to visit this site because it is full of basic information on those topics and more. This site contains over a dozen quizzes as well as live web cams, wallpapers, and even beautiful panoramas from around the world.


Rader's Chem 4 Kids
As you can see in the title, this site from Andrew Rader Studios is all about chemistry. Students who are learning about atoms, molecules, elements, reactions and even biochemistry can find a lot of information here. The sire contains a glossary and an encyclopedia like page called "real world examples" with pictures and chemical formulas of of chemicals and chemical reactions. As with the other sites, you can find online quizzes to test your knowledge of chemistry.


Rader's Physics 4 Kids
The final site from Andrew Rader Studios is about the world of physics. The site provides information about motion. light, heat, electricity, magnetism, and gravity. You will find a dozen quizzes to test your knowledge of these things and other information found on the website.


Science and Nature
This collection of cool games and activities comes from Smithsonian Education. Whether you are studying astronomy, geology, zoology, anatomy or physics, you will find an activity to include in your lessons. Since this all comes from the Smithsonian, you know you can rely on its quality and accuracy.


ACS - Science for Kids
The American Chemical Society put together this collection of science related resources. If you are looking for experiments, lesson plans, activities or games, this site has them all. This resources aren't all about chemistry either. There is educational materials related to physics, geology, and anatomy as well.


Science from Kids.Gov
This collection of free resources from the Federal Government combines the best from their various departments. You can learn about chemistry, astronomy, geology, life science and more. There are lesson plans, activities, videos and games to play for students of all ages.


This hige collection of engaging science activities comes from the PBS show Zoom. Chemistry, life science, physics, and geology are all represented in this extensive selection of educational resources. For even more, click on the "Parent/Teacher" section for lessons and hands on activities.


Science Interactives
Annenberg Learner is a site that I have repeatedly recommended to teachers of all disciplines. Their educational interactives are some of the best resources you will find anywhere. Science teachers should make a point to check out their huge collection of science based learning activities. They are sorted by grade level or use their search bar.


Inner Body
Inner Body provides detailed views of the inner working of the human body. Choose the body system you wish to explore and the site will show you detailed pictures and information about the systems different parts and how they work together. The site is a terrific resource for secondary and college level learners but probably a little too detailed for younger students.


Sea and Sky
When studying the oceans or the heavens be sure to check out this website. You will find a great deal of educational material including reference guides, pictures, activities, news and games. Students studying the oceans or space will likely enjoy learning about these two unique places with the resources this site has to offer.


EPA - Students for the Environment
This government sponsored site provides students and teachers with educational resources about the environment.Lesson plans, games, and project ideas are just a few of the things found on this site. Students can also take quizzes, calculate air quality and learn how their actions impact the environment.


Science Kids
Science Kids is one of the best science websites for kids that I have seen so far. It is rich with content that students will find interesting, fun, and engaging. Science Kids offers experiments, quizzes, games, fun facts, pictures, videos, and more. I cannot possible do this site justice is a few sentences. Science Kids is a fantastic website to learn about science.

Science Sparks wants kids of all ages to love science. The site is full of simple experiments that can be done at home or in the classroom whether it's physics, biology, or chemistry. There is a section for preschool kids and one for students 5 years old and up. They also have an area just for kitchen experiments.


Optics 4 Kids
Optics 4 Kids is a website from the Optical Society to help kids learn about the science of light. Students can learn about terms such as refraction and reflection or watch videos in their media library. There is an area for optical illusions and another with fun hands on activities. There are classroom materials available by going to the "About" section or you can find them here.


Here is a website that shares great ways that parents can interact with their children in a fun and educational way. Their science section contains dozens of fun, hands-on experiments that can be done at home or in school. There is also a section with fun facts and trivia about animals, bugs and insects.


Make Me Genius 
This site primarily features science videos for students grades 1 - 7 on a wide range of topics. The site also has science based quizzes, tests and cool facts. The site also shares PowerPoint presentations and worksheets for teachers.


Hey! LHS Kids
This is a fun science website from Lawrence Hall of Science which features many opportunities for kids to have fun with science. Their "Explore your world" area at the top part of the page features 10 science experiments kids can do at home. As you scroll down the page there are games, quizzes and pictures from the Lawrence Hall of Science.


Jefferson Lab
Jefferson Lab is a site with a collection of teacher and student resources. Look around and you'll discover hands on activities, science based games and puzzles, cool videos and a teacher's section. This site is a joint project between the  U.S. Department of Energy and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility


NOAA Education Resources
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (or NOAA) offers this portal to NOAA sponsored educational materials for teaching concepts and processes related to ocean, coastal, climate, weather, and Great Lake resources. Here you can find hundreds of educational resources centered around weather, ocean life, and climate.


Exploratorium is a digital library collection for lifelong learning from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The site contains hundreds of interactive learning activities and even more educational videos. You can browse their extensive collection by topic or activity. There is so much to see and do, be sure you block a chunk of time before you begin exploring.


The NASA Space Place has been around for 15 years but it is still one of the best educational science 
websites around. There are hundreds of learning activities and educational games all centered around space
and technology. You will find hands-on projects that kids can do with ordinary materials. Activities include 
interactive games, puzzles, animations and interactive demonstrations of science and technology concepts. 
Even though this site may not be new to you, it is likely new to your students.


Seriously Amazing is the name of an incredible website by the Smithsonian. It is an interactive learning web page where anyone can learn more about art, science, history and other cultures. The page is a mosaic of questions and pictures and you can explore the page by simply clicking one of the many choices. Seriously Amazing is a terrific website and it will engage curious learners for long periods of time.


Science and Innovation, the website for the U.S. Department of Energy, contains multiple layers of educational material for students and teachers. Their science and innovation section provides links to articles and videos on physics, biology, chemistry and environmental science. These resources could prove useful for high school and college level instruction.


Energy Kids
Next you'll find the science education section which when you first view it seem rather plain. There are a number of videos but looking deeper you'll find the Energy Kids area which is full of  energy-related kid's resources including games, riddles, field trips, and classroom activities. The site also contains a teacher's guide with lessons for students of all ages. 


Energy Star Kids
Finally there is the Energy Star Kids section which explores energy conservation and is targeted for elementary level learners. This page does include information, games and a parent/teacher area with lesson plans.


Everyday Mysteries
The Library of Congress website has a very cool science area called Everyday Mysteries where students explore science based questions and mysteries. There dozens of "mysteries" for students to examine from ten science based categories. Each "mystery" comes with a detailed explanation and pictures to help the student learn more about the topic. There are also additional resources given for those who are doing a research project.

The Why Files

The Why Files is a website that helps students understand science through current events or maybe it helps kids understand current events through science. Either way, the site provides a variety of opportunities for students to learn about science in interesting ways. The home page looks like a newspaper and contains a few news stories from around the world. Each story explores is explored from a science perspective and includes pictures, diagrams, and charts to help students understand the topic. In addition to news, the site contains a classroom activities pages with discussion questions and quizzes from stories found on the web page. There is also an interactive section where students can learn about science based concepts through games and activities. Due to its focus on current events, the Why Files is just as useful to social studies teachers who may want to use it for current events and infuse some cross curricular science content.


Science (and More) to Music
Science (and More) to Music is a very neat website where you can find songs about a wide variety of topics from science, to social studies and even math. The songs are all written and performed by the sites creator Dr. Lodge McCammon. Some of the songs contain lesson support material, some have videos, and all songs have lyrics that accompany the music. Science (an more) to Music is a fantastic resource for teacher to utilize.


Science Bob
Science Bob (AKA Bob Pflugfelder) is a website that wants to make science more fun and interesting for kids. The site offers a variety of learning opportunities for visitors including a science questions and answers section, and research section with a huge collection of links to websites, and science fair ideas. The parts that kids might find most interesting are the three areas set aside for science experiments. There is the experiments page which lists materials and instructions for simple experiments that can be done at home or in the classroom. There is the experiments blog which is another page that shares simple experiment ideas only this page has pictures. Finally, there is the video page where you can watch Science Bob perform even more amazing science experiments. Science Bob is a fun and educational website that teachers and parents should take the time to explore. Teachers can integrate ideas from the website into their lessons while parents can use the website to help support their children's education.


Symphony of Science
Symphony of Science is a project that combines science videos with music to create new and novel ways to learn science concepts. The videos are from well known scientists like Carl Sagan and Bill Nye and the content shared ranges from dinosaurs, to astronomy, to global warming. Symphony of Science videos are an excellent resource to support science curriculum in the classroom of from home. Science teachers and students should take the time to watch these videos and bookmark this site because their library continues to grow.


Succeeding with Science
Sellafield Ltd.'s science education section is built around fun and interactive educational games, activities, and videos to help students learn and love science. The student activities are sorted by age range from 4-7 years up to 16+ and there is also a teachers section. Each activity come with PDF lesson plans and support materials as well. Science teachers at all levels should find this site to be useful way to support their curriculum.


Periodic Videos
Periodic videos is a science based website that features videos about all the elements on the periodic table. The site is the creation of video journalist Brady Haran, featuring real working chemists from the University of NottinghamThe site also contains other science based videos based on molecules, science based road trips, the symbols of physics and astronomy and more. Science teachers and students will likely find the site both fun and educational.


Understanding Science
Understanding Science is a site with a variety of resources to help increase student understanding of nature and process of science. The site offers options that will help both the science student and the science teacher. The site's Understanding Science 101 section and their resource library are places where students can explore to increase their content knowledge. Teachers can visit the sites various Teacher's Lounges to help with lesson plans, teaching tips and educational strategies.


Science Made Fun
Science Made Fun wants kids to love science by showing how fun science can be. The site is colorful and makes silly sounds as you move your mouse around the page. Kids can read science trivia, science jokes, and play science games. The site also has just over a dozen experiments that kids can perform in school or at home under the supervision of their parents.


This site from the BBC offers information, games, and quizzes on a wide variety of scientific topics. The site is very simple to navigate with only three categories: Living Things, Materials, and Physical Process. Each category contains the specific topics such as food chains, microorganisms, changing states, and  friction just to name a few. Each topic has opportunities to learn, play games, and take a quiz on the topic. 


EurekAlert is a science based site that offers a large collection of kid friendly, science based new articles. Their collections of news stories is extensive and would work well with the new Common Core State Standards. In addition to their news articles, they do have science trivia as well as a collection of science videos. 


Love my Science offers a large selection of fun science experiments that can be performed safely at home or in school with everyday objects. There are well over one hundred experiments that cover biology, chemistry, and even physics.  The site also has fun science games and trivia for kids to enjoy.


Cells Alive is the place for students to go when learning about cells. They cover cell biology, microbiology, immunology, and microscopy while offering the type of features that keep kids engaged.Using animation, games, and puzzles, this site will help kids learn about cells. The site also has quizzes, worksheets, and a cell cam for kids to watch. 


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